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News agencies in the Southwest Regional Technical Training ended
Date:2014-05-22   Views:8633

According to the news agency agency agreement in 2014, May 8 to 11, the telecommunications company sent Southwest Regional Manager, Technical Manager of Sichuan Province row of three agents: Sichuan Peng Peng Ji Ji Electronic Technology Co., Ltd. Chongqing Agents: Sichuan Peng Peng Ji Ji Electronic Technology Co., Ltd. all technical and sales personnel Chongqing Branch conducted the hearing of two products, equipment and broadcasting system of professional and technical training activities. The features and advantages of the hearing master CS-3800, CS-6800A and peripheral equipment were not even explain the actual operating system. And in the second half of the telecommunications market new products are described and roadshows. Through this field of teaching and demonstration, so that agents of the technical staff and sales personnel in the news item deeper and clearer understanding. Products for the telecommunications system configuration has been further understand and improve. Trainers that only by understanding this special training to stop the system and acquire the relevant knowledge and skills in telecommunications products. The two sides also conducted a full and lively discussion and discussion, the problem is in the process of actual sales agents news products encountered in the consultation and discussion, through such activities but also to the development of ideas in telecommunications technician with the essence of be improved. For the hearing developed for the market to facilitate the customer‘s new product provides a detailed and reliable technical basis. News agencies in the southwest area of ​​technical training activities in 2014 was a complete success!

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